also Amelia still seems a charming girl and I am amazed at the wonderful children's roles is able to write that Steven Moffat.
As for the Doctor ... I do not know if mine is a persecution complex, really. But it makes me very nervous around him, his ungainly appearance, his voice monotone when it is released to cry unexpectedly, theDr. giddy over time, his way out of the Pandora, and any other details that do not add up for me. Script drafts that are gimmicky but impossible, although we do not realize dazzled by his skill. It is something we also did in Blink, an episode that has a lot to do with the resolution of these two final chapters).
Overall, the season is irregular, securely locked, but frankly forgettable chapters (the Venetian, the Churchill twice the Silurians ,...). Others are very significant (the start of the season, double end, DReamlord, the angels ,...) but none comes to jell as Blink absolute wonders, Midnight, The girl in the fireplace ... The exception might be V incent and Dr. , a burst of light and color and emotions, but is also one of the most usual escape in the series. In summary, the overall scorecard is balanced, positive and negative aspects. River Song sum, Dr. subtraction. (It's a personal opinion, I know). The start and especially the end, very good. What goes in between, much more debatable.
TMLXC I also think that the above elements are taken up as sycorax, Cyberman, agents of the time ... but (big but) we are still waiting to be incorporated into individual characters, which has not yet been produced . (We've been all season dreaming of Captain Jack y. .. we have to keep waiting to see if the next ...). I do not like the artistic design of this season, nor the deep blue of the tardis, neither inside nor the clouds of the credits, the main character's clothing, nor the general Dull ...). See also the previous design was freaky, but I guess I had
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