Sunday, February 24, 2008

Wolf Off White Comic Book 41 th entry: analysis / human beings, cruel nature.

rights that lead to degradation are the main element of fun involved.

The cruelty is considered as wrong by all means, we have examples of cruelty throughout human history, as an example are the Crusades, World War II ... Any war itself ... Until God himself turns out to be a sadistic bastard throughout history, who lives to punish and to see suffer, why? Simply by seeing people suffer or their "enemies"



hypocrite is also considered immune to enjoy the misery of another, the difference is the extent to which we find it graceful. The industry actually humor revolves around the misfortunes of another, but always in a low magnitude (which is what makes it fun). However if we look at the levels of cruelty of any war or serious conflict, it is clear that the fun level is much lower, in which case to find fun, as one might speak of a pathology of the individual. is why we say that man is inherently cruel, cruelty and essence are inseparable duality. But always the difference will be defined by the extent of it and how you enjoy.


This human behavior as a god is another evidence that God does not exist (the least as we do see), a creation of man.

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Revenge primarily consists of the reprimand against a person or group in response to a perceived wrongdoing. Although many aspects of revenge resemble the concept of justice, revenge usually pursues a goal rather insulting to sleep. The desire for revenge is forcing anyone who has done wrong to suffer the same pain he inflicted, or ensure that this person or group will never again commit such damages [1] .


By definition, the Revenge is a hotly contested topic in philosophy. Some feel that after all, the threat of retaliation is necessary to maintain a just society. In some societies, it is believed that the injury inflicted in revenge should be greater than the injury that originated as a punishment. The philosophy of the Old Testament "eye for an eye" (Exodus 21:24) is to limit the damage possible, in order to avoid a vendetta or series of violent acts that may lose control (try to match the suffering). Detractors argue that revenge is a simple logical error of the same type that "two wrong make a right." Some Christians interpretan through the apostle Paul, that God alone has the moral right to a fair revenge. In fact, every religious system contains some form of mediation of disputes and the limitation of vengeance, giving a sense of cosmic justice to replace the often faulty justice system for men.

In ancient societies, particularly those with weak central justice systems, the method for deterring murder was to allow the family to avenge the slain murderer. However, if the families of the murdered murderer and the murder disagreedC In Japan's feudal past the Samurai class held the honor of the family, clan, or his Lord, through the vengeful murder or 'katakiuchi'. These killings could also involve the offender's family. Today, katakiuchi is generally carried out peacefully, but revenge remains an important part of Japanese culture.

The goal of some legal systems is limited to "just" revenge.

modern Western legal system usually sets a target of reform or rehabilitation of the perpetrator of a crime or criminal act. Even in these systems, however, society is conceived as a victim of criminal actions, and the revenge of such acts is an important part of the concept of justice - a criminal "pays his debt to society."

Interestingly, psychologists have found that the frustrated psychological expectation of revenge may lead to victimization.

The proverb "revenge is a dish best served cold" comes from an eighteenth-century novel entitled "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," written by the French official and army general Pierre Choderlos de Laclos.

In conlusión, we can define that .... Matters in the end nobody will read ...



the Royal English Language .

Playas Nidistas En San Francisco 39 th entry: Analysis / The root of the problems

The man by nature seeks instability, which is why the problems that are involved most often a consequence of their own volition.

People often make assumptions about what life would be if they had no problems, wonder why they have so many problems and they can not get away from them.

The answer is simple: most if not all the problems people have are subject to propia decision of the person is the person who seeks such problems, perhaps not so aware of everything, probably due to a temporary deactivation of the frontal lobe (the trial), but in essence, the responsibility for the problem, having been involved in circumstances conducive to the problem. But the real reason, that people look for issues that affect them is looking for an imbalance in your life. People, like everything in nature, required to generate a slight imbalance in order to remain in operation.

the person consents or unconsciouslys know the consequences and outcomes of engaging in an appropriate range of situations, it is totally false that they do not know at all what they were doing or what they wanted to achieve.

If we look at a group of people, we could take the younger sector, who are most likely to be involved in problems (severe sometimes or unimportant), the answer to why this behavior, unlike some people adult or child, is that due to the large number of hormones that is released due to development problems serve as a catalystXC

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The choices we make in everyday life are governed by their own convenience, we lie to say it is totally disinterested in that case the election will not have been at all voluntary.

Daily take a lot of choices, but for practical purposes, we will reduce to those involved with other people. Usually live with other people, and in that we are living on the need to give something ... something quite common: the law of giving and receiving.


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The things we do, all in all are governed by a simple idea: "as result to others," everything we do and we are controlled by society.

Our lives, our daily choices, our fate is yes, is defined by the standards imposed by society, whether to continue the good or ill we will always be defined by what society creates, and from it the best ejection call us to consider for our purposes.

&; Nbsp;

is therefore absolutely false that anything we do is completely original, it is technically impossible for that to happen, because the human brain is not designed to generate ideas from absolutely nothing, always will need a tiny idea, however small it may be to develop based on this new, must itself be only the combination of a number of extra base ideas, none of them completely original.

addition, the decisions, the patterns that we use to developthese ideas will be defined by the circumstances we propose the society in which we live, as we define it based on whether or not choose it, visualizing the impact it may have a future, whether near or distant (based on interests that wish to achieve).

Therefore we can conclude that humans, if we see it from the point of view that is the result of achieving their actions and thoughts, and these in turn are patterns generated by the same company or the environment in which the individual develops, we may define the human as the configURATION of a sequence of events and elements defined and unique.

We are the product of others and they from us while

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The official abandonment The mixture of anxiety and insecurity began to last longer. Once he tried to cut the veins of the right hand without achieving its objective of suicide. During medical care in the emergency department of Hospital Balbuena heard the nurse on duty suggested his parents sent to a psychologist.

So began the therapy, but she felt notNgun progress. Then the therapist prescribed antidepressants: fluoxetine and citalopram, and some sleeping pills. Now take a couple each day, when you can not sleep and not feel sad.

Laura Suarez is one of the 15 million Mexicans now have some mental disorder. The figure corresponds to one sixth of the population.

In recent years, according to reports from the Secretariat

Health(SS), the Mexican mental health has deteriorated. The most common disorders include depression, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, hyperactivity, impaired child development and Alzheimer's. The latter, "the evil of forgetting," appears in 10% of adults over 65 years of age, ie half a million affected.

causes contributing to neurological and psychiatric diseases are associated with epidemiological change has been observed in recent years in countries with emerging economies such as the case of Mexico. The population with low incomes, little or no access

Depression is the first manifestation of a disorder that may become chronic, bound in a psychiatric hospitalization or suicide.

Statistics indicate that mental disorders are linked to killings, violence and traffic accidents.

Data Organization of Health Organization (WHO) state qof them do not practice the specialty and some more have gone abroad. " Of psychiatrists specialize in children, most are located in the metropolitan area, and in Guadalajara and Monterrey, which limits the attention of infants in most of the country.

mental disorders in children are related to poverty, indifference and family disintegration, school bullying, drug use, sexual abuse, abandonment or death of parents. In addition, if the mother had some mental disorder during pregnancy, the child runs the risk of projecting.

Mexican schizophrenic

Feeling lonely, sad, think no you understand? Are frequently asked questions that invite you to join a support group for those who proliferate.

There are all kinds, for alcoholics, drug addicts, drug addicts, depressed, neurotic and even schizophrenia. I started using marijuana, cocaine, crack and then came the studs. When I was consumed in a state of happiness, love, unity and communion with others. When I started experimenting with LSD and false feelings causing me to feel part of this world.

parties I attended, which surprised me in the morning, tired, exhausted and without food after spending long hours using drugs. I started to confuse me, I felt that all were chasing me. I ended up in a psychiatric hospital in California, United States, where my parents sent me to schizophrenia declared. After passingQuerétaro. Sometimes in silence, but almost always shouting insults and throwing stones at people in its path.

constantly broke the windows of nearby houses to yours, and in more than one occasion his neighbors sent to the municipal prison.

Carmela suffered from his mental faculties. As in Querétaro no specialized center for the mentally ill, was transferred to the Psychiatric Hospital "Fray Bernardino Alvarez" in Mexico City. CHT


And if the inhabitants of that town could get rid of the "crazy people", to Carmela nothing was better. Mechanically slid his bare feet in the corridors of the hospital. There were no stones to throw, and your co-closure did not care whether or not insulted. Was almost always cranky, but there was something good, and it was the hour after breakfast, when a nurse pulled the patio so I could sunbathe.

Four decades ago to this placeis they were called asylums. Then, the hospital reform known as "Operation Castañeda" (with the closing of General Asylum " The Castañeda," which operated from 1910) defined the character of mental hospitals.

Although Mexico was a pioneer in the installation of a hospital dedicated to the care of patients with mental deficiency, San Hipólito (founded in 1566) is now overcrowded, lack of medicines, abuse of prisoners and neglect of children by their family.

The difficult situation faced by Mexican psychiatric institutions were revealed on February 17, 2000, when it issued the report: Human Rights & Mental Health: Mexico (Human Rights and mental health: Mexico).

Through a series of visits to psychiatric hospitals around the world, the Mental Disability Rights International, an organization based in Washington, United States, documents degrading living conditions in patients, some of which

Leticia Escamilla Psychologist Cadena, Deputy Director of Guidance Commission, notes that in cases involving psychiatric patients, there are reports of those who report what they see as inappropriate prescribing of drugs by their doctors.

Sometimes it is they are poorly managed, evaluated, but the psychiatrist does not communicate to the patient's primary or secondary effects that can cause intake drugs. CH


daily calls from the receiving area Orientation CONAMA, at least one corresponds to a psychiatric patient.

Some inmates, he says, calling from inside the hospital, public or private, and seek guidance for reporting physical or emotional abuse that they experience .


the psychiatric reform

The patient who crosses the threshold of psychiatric away for your family and society. The chances of recovery are slim. In the hallways naked inmates roaming, non-recognized, unremembered, forgotten.

Front difficult environment facing the mental health of Mexican authorities admit that the current infrastructure limits las possibilities for action. Psychiatric hospitals are inadequate distribution and difficult to access, we need the presence of adequate staff, on the other hand insufficient and poorly distributed. To this is added the fact that most doctors do not know the manual psychiatrists, and misdiagnoses made prescribing inappropriate treatments.

In Mexico, says Dr. Guido Belsasso, commissioner of the National Council Against Addictions, ignominy on mental problems reduces the chances

Metal Core Scooter 34 th entry: analysis / social hierarchies.

er more egalitarian and liberal. Examples are universities, which have a greater or lesser quality of reputation depending on the people who come to them. As an example, we can see

UNAM, which despite being an institution of excellence, and the stock market work for graduates is very relative, because most people who come to this institution are people with limited economic resources. In contrast, a person graduated from a private school has a greater demand for labor and offers for employment exchange. Examples include schools such as El Colegio de Mexico, ITAM, Latin, etc.. Where students are already fairly priced even before finishing their studies. C HTMLXC

also at the time of job evaluation are discriminated against persons discharged from a university or public school, and it is considered unsuitable for the job. It is therefore clear that a person graduated from a public institution will find a much more intricate than someone who graduated from a private institution.

causes of this problem are varied, and among them you can tell the deep-rooted and absolutely unfounded prejudices that we have in stgainst the institutions funded by the government and the people who come to them. It is indeed strange that a poor person and from a public institution to win a priority on any title in any private institution in developing countries.

treatment of the problem is rooted in the education given in schools at all levels, it really is a farce to instill in them actual values people for their basic education, much less in the middle and higher levels. Example of such a solution can be seen in the develoollo any first world country. After taking into account the need for a real education at all educational levels, we can be absolutely certain that you can see reflected in the economic and social development and increased welfare for the graduates.

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RINCIPLE to analyze the type of disease it is. After being issued the restraining order against uses of manipulation or influence on their medical team to continue with their studies.

Calls to win time trial on the pretext of wanting to dissolve the demand that is imposed

Results : begin to have positive reactions to the treatments that have been applied.

achievements CHTM

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TMLXC the Holy Inquisition, which spread fear and propaganda as the main domain and signal to the people, it is during this time that the collection of sins becomes fashionable, and is emerging as a perfect mode of self in society .

is why we openly declare that sins do not exist, are inventions of the same church to keep people under control .


No sins and that nowhere is mentioned that God ordered [1]

in some way that attempt against him. It's the same church that condemns and judges, as it has taken the role of God as their own, making it any offense against God a direct insult to ecclesiastical interests. Therefore there is no reason to find an acquittal at least in terms of spiritual concerns, as the faith of the people is with the "spiritual God" represented by the subjective belief of people, and not the "God on earth" , represented by the powers and ambitions of the church.



Another very strong argument in favor of this theory is that based on the principle that God is omnipotent, we ask the following question: if the all-powerful, would not fall it in full responsibility for all the ills caused by mankind? What would making the so-called "trial" to be carried out at the end of days (also known as Revelation

) not be anything but a complete farce. This could also be understood that the trial itself and all existence is a theater with the simple goal of the happy fun "creator." CH ica "forgive everything."

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Finally, the last action of Jekyll is his suicide, rushed decision made after a period of depression and degradation, both psychological and physical, which will not reach an end until he realizes that his condition has become completely irreversible and will only get worse. Wanting to avoid further damage to the people around him and suffering to himself, decides to take his life.

Now, if we make a comparisonformal ration about the fantastic solution that is Jekill to develop a formula context (more realistic), we can define as totally wrong in every respect their behavior, since it is outside any control of the person to exercise their freedom hurting others, and in case of Jekyll, it would be even more abnormal the situation as they would be talking about the individual not only has created a world anarchist in a background, but wanting to avoid responsibility for what might happen creates a lifetime, a figure parallel to itself in order to make it the target of any responsibility for the events of the libertine existence. CHT


achievements: When Utterson further investigate the remains of Jekyll's investigations, this one realizes the true nature of the monstrous acts of Hyde and the potential danger accounted for close to Jekyll and himself.

In conclusion, we can say that

The Mysterious Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr . Hyde is a perfect example of what the analysisoppression of a society too quiet and reserved may lead to its own members. The hypocrisy and silence in excess elements are capable of reducing the willingness to virtually anyone, which one way or another seek to express their intrinsic needs.

The irrepressible human being has needs that in some societies are seen as evil, repression of these can lead to degeneration or perversion of them; and even chaos, moral first and then the collapse of the entire society.