ing the presidential campaign, Shipman broke many big election stories. On Today she conducted the first televised interview with then Vice President Al Gore in the wake of his campaign finance troubles. She was the first to report that Gore would name Sen. Joseph Lieberman as his running mate, and, in December 2000, she was the first to report on the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to allow a recount of contested ballots. helper CNN Coverage earn a National Headliners Award and her reporting on the aborted Soviet coup and 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union won the network a coveted Peabody Award. She Also Received a Dupont Award and an Emmy as one of the key contributors to CNN's Coverage of the 1989 Tianamen Square student uprising, as well as a Dupont Award for CNN's Coverage of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Shipman
broadcast Began her career as a production assistant and intern at CNN's bureau in New York. She Holds a graduate degree in international affairs from Columbia University and a BA in Russian studies from Columbia, where, she Graduated magna cum laude. Shipman, a Columbus, Ohio, native, now i reside